And open their first store in São Paulo, at Eldorado mall, combining sugar-free chocolates and special coffees.

Founded in 2016 by the Goldfinger Kopenhagen family, Goldko ( (union of surnames) arose as a new DNVB (Digital Native Vertical Brands), with the proposal of making a chocolate that would rescue the importance of taste and offer the best gustatory experience to consumers. “We are concerned with distancing from large brands’ practices, which add increasingly more sugar and reduce the amount of cocoa in their products”, explains co-owner Chantal Goldfinger Kopenhagen.

GoldKo is not a bean-to-bar company, since, in this case, the chocolate recipe is based only on three ingredients: cocoa, butter and natural sugar. However, it seeks, in its recipes, to combine taste, health and innovation, according to Chantal. The formula, apparently, is working really well, since in this pandemic year its revenue in sales increased 56%.
First physical store

Early in May they opened their first physical store, in São Paulo, at Eldorado mall, in the city’s west region. The place is a mix of coffee shop and chocolate shop, like the family’s previous brand. With minimalist architecture, the project is signed by Jacarandá office and counts on a brewstation, with several types of special coffees and different preparation methods. “The costumer can choose the type of grain and the preparation method (espresso, filtered, French press, cold brew). Moreover, all dairy drinks have their vegan versions, including the hot/cold chocolate. We want to offer a unique experience to our costumer with a variety of coffee and chocolate blends that, together, enable countless harmonizations”, says Chantal.

GoldKo offers, for example, the no added sugar marshmallow with texture of meringue, its most traditional product, Musa (very similar to Nhá Benta), which also has a candy version (only 38Kcal). The brand portfolio comprises the lines Deli Deli (the brand’s Cat Tongue version), in addition to candies stuffed with dulce de leche, hazelnut cream and peanut butter, covered with milk chocolate and Romeo and Juliet, or cookies & cream, covered with white chocolate. Bars with 36% milk cocoa are outstanding, as well as the vegan line of chocolates with 47% rice milk cocoa, 60% coconut milk cocoa, 70% cocoa and hazelnut and 80% cocoa.

For 2021, the company expects to double its growth, since, according to Chantal, the physical shop will enable direct communication with its end consumer. “So far, we did not know our consumer. Now we can better direct launchings and design more precisely our growth”, she concludes.