Academia do Café Courses – Sao Paulo Unit

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The most famous special coffee house in Minas Gerais, started in May of this year to operate its second unit, located in the city of Sao Paulo. The place will hold all the courses and lectures that are already held in Belo Horizonte. The schedule foreseen for the end of July is as follows: Q Grader certification and exam, Q grader calibration, beginner barista course, intermediate barista course, extraction methods, sensory analysis, roasting, classification and degustation, as well as Latte Art workshops and drinks with coffee.

The courses will be taught by: Bruno Souza, Q Grader and owner of the Academia do Café; Ivan Totti, Q Grader and roast master; Julia Souza, Q Grader responsible for training baristas at the Academia do Café; Marty Curtis, Q Grader and SCAA Certified Instructor; Osnei Cesarino, Q Grader and barista at the Academia do Café and Ana Claudia Vieira Martins, Q Grader and Food Safety Coordinator and Coffee Classifier for the Unicafé group.

For more information, go to the Academia do Café website:

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