The program’s ultimate goal is to finance the development of new technologies to increase the production and sustainability of Brazilian agriculture
The loyalty program AgroVantagens, whose legal responsibility in the country belongs to Zurich Bank S.A., is testing the first digital currency for the agribusiness segment, the AgroBônus.
“The idea is to insert AgroBônus into the Brazilian agribusiness economy to facilitate access to credit for farmers, especially medium-sized ones, and to combat the disparity between the sector’s GDP growth and the devaluation of the real, which limit the rural producers’ purchasing power,” explains the CEO at AgroVantagens, Jean Carbonera. According to Carbonera, the participation of cooperatives will be essential for the success of the project.

At first, AgroBônus will be used to purchase products and services on the official AgroVantagens platform. It will also be possible to make transfers between companies as easily as a transaction like the PIX. In the near future, AgroBônus should be listed on digital asset trading platforms.

Still being used only by beta testers, the operations will have a volume of R$ 400 million. And, over the next five years, transactions in the amount of up to R$ 5 billion in AgroBônus are expected, benefiting 55 thousand rural producers.
AgroBônus can be used by rural producers or wholesalers, retail companies, entities and end consumers. “The most important thing is that the digital currency will finance Brazilian rural production, helping to develop new technologies with a view to increasing the productivity and rural sustainability of the national agribusiness,” concludes Jean Carbonera. To join, one must sign up at