Have you picked your Easter eggs yet? How about getting away from the obvious and gifting someone you love with real chocolate? Grão Especial has selected some precious things. Check them out:

Chocolate du Jour – Carijó Hen Egg
1. Chocolate du Jour – Carijó Hen Egg – made with the special and fresh cocoa from the Santa Luzia farm in the south of Bahia, the egg made from milk chocolate is a prime in terms of design as well. The Carijó Hen feathers are made from pure milk chocolate with Pure Malt. R$ 699.00, in the 1,100g weight. www.chocolatedujour.com.br

Cristallo Eggs in partnership with Luisa Abram
2. Cristallo Eggs in partnership with Luisa Abram – this year, Cristallo joined chocolate maker Luisa Abram who developed two exclusive proposals for the brand: the first is the Bean to Bar Bitter Egg 70% cocoa with crunchy Sapucaia – the chocolate is made from wild Amazon cacao, awarded by the Chocolate Academy in London in 2018, with crunchy pieces made from Sapucaia nuts, a rarity found in Pará – R$ 260.00 each 500 grams. Limited edition.

Ovo Bean to Bar Dark Milk with 55% cacao stuffed with wild vanilla
3. Cristallo – and the second option is the Dark Milk Bean to BarEgg, with 55% cacao stuffed with wild vanilla – the egg is stuffed with wild vanilla ganache, found in Pará. R$ 290 each 450 grams. Limited edition www.cristallo.com.br

Gabriela Carvalho – bitter chocolate featuring a 70% cocoa
4. Cuore di Cacao – chocolate sisters Carolina and Bibiana Schneider joined the chefs from Curitiba, Gabriela Carvalho and Lenin Palhano, and developed two exclusive recipes: the first one is the bitter chocolate featuring a 70% cocoa egg with functional crunchy toasted seeds (flaxseed, sesame, sunflower and chia) and bonbons stuffed with honey from Jataí and propolis ganache. Great option for those who do not consume neither gluten nor lactose.

Lênin Palhano – 60% cocoa milk chocolate egg, stuffed with white chocolate ganache with pink Morretes lemon, Bahia vanilla and a crunchy layer of cocoa nibs
5. Cuore de Cacao – Chef Palhano, on the other hand, has developed a 60% cocoa milk chocolate egg, stuffed with white chocolate ganache with pink Morretes lemon, Bahia vanilla and a crunchy layer of cocoa nibs. Both Cuore eggs cost R$ 160.00 and weigh 250 grams. www.cuoredicacao.com.br

Easter Egg made of Ruby chocolate
6. Chocommelier – in a very limited edition of only 25 units, Chocommelier is featuring its Easter Egg made of Ruby chocolate from Callebaut. With a naturally rosy coloration and a light acidity of red fruits, it features striking notes of sicilian lemon and mint ganache with balsamic raspberry aceto. R$ 170.00 each 250 grams. www.chocommelier.com.br

Flor de Laranjeira – rare combination of 50% cocoa from Bahia with an orange flower filling
7. Gallette Chocolates – we have chosen two items: the first one is named Orange Flower – a rare combination of 50% cocoa from Bahia with an orange flower filling. It is a surprising work of chocolatier Gislaine Gallette, who loves to mix citrus and sweets. It costs R$ 115.00 and weighs 480 grams.

40% cocoa, made with milk chocolate and jaboticaba ganache
8. Gallette Chocolates – the second item is the superb Easter egg featuring 40% cocoa, made with milk chocolate and jaboticaba ganache, one of its most awarded chocolates, even at The Northwest Chocolate Festival in Seattle, USA. R$ 91.00, 340 grams. www.gallette.com.br

Perseu Coffee House
9. Perseu Coffee House9. Perseu Coffee House – the cafe invited chef Diego Lozado to create Easter eggs inspired by coffee beans and the work of Indian-British plastic artist Anish Kapoor. Diego used the Croter coffee, the Yellow Bourbon microlot, the Pântano Farm, the Cerrado Mineiro, cultivated at a height of 1,150 meters, with a score of 86.78 by SCAA. In the versions, there were 41% of milk cocoa, 54% and 70%. They have cupuaçu filling combined with ginger, coconut and coffee. Or bitter chocolate combined with ganache, coffee or hazelnut. They are sold in boxes with four units, 70 grams for R$ 110 each 700 grams, for R$ 230.00. www.perseucoffeehouse.com.br