Largest online dating app surveys its users’ preferences when consuming their daily coffee

Having trouble finding a match on Tinder? ( This tip is for you! On May 24, Brazilian National Coffee Day, the date when the harvest of coffee beans begins in Brazil, Tinder decided to investigate whether the subject of “coffee” caused a stir among its followers.
In fact, it discovered a few interesting things: For example, men aged 18 to 35 years old were the ones who used the word “coffee” the most in their bios throughout 2020. “Café com leite” (“white coffee”) was the preferred term among men over 25 years old. The word “expresso” (“espresso”), on the other hand, was mentioned four times more than the “coado” (“strained”) preparation method in the application.
The preference among women over 25 years old falls on the “strained” preparation method. The “pingado” (black with a splash of milk) was also featured in women’s bios throughout 2020. This shows that being in touch with the world of coffee can be much more helpful than you could imagine with your dating contacts. Won’t hurt to give it a try, right?