Ensei Neto launches book about coffee, by publisher Sesi-SP

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The title is part of the Recipes for you (Receitinhas para você) collection

Ensei Neto has just published the book Café (“Coffee”), from the Sesi -SP collection by the chemical engineer, with a specialization in food technology and marketing.

Ensei Neto lançamento do livro sobre café, pela editora Sesi-SP

Ensei, who is also a musician, provides advice in the area of food and beverages, also providing various courses and training in sensory analysis, coffee roasting science and industrial processes.

With more than 30 years of experience in the world of coffees, he is also responsible for The Coffee Traveler blog, in the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

Ensei Neto lançamento do livro sobre café, pela editora Sesi-SP

In the pocket format, with 112 pages and a suggested price of R$ 32.00, Ensei tells the success story of this fruit discovered in Ethiopia, Africa, the development of its roasting process and the arrival of the culture in Brazil. Despite being a great expert, it is a book for drinkers who do not necessarily dominate the subject.

Ensei Neto lançamento do livro sobre café, pela editora Sesi-SP

That is great and comes in handy! It also addresses the various producing regions of the country, different methods of extraction and further gives surprising recipes such as coffee caviar, pork loin with coffee, iced cappuccino and more.

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