Harmonizing specialty coffees and teas

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Lesson proved that the two beverages together work out very well!

Tea blender and sommelier Carla Sauressig, from A loja do Chá (see here the story link) and Noemi Kawabata, Martins Cafés expert, www.martinscafe.com, joined to administer a delicious lesson on harmonization of specialty teas and coffees.

Harmonizando cafés e chás especiais

Noemi brought to the event coffees produced in Margarida farm, from Martins Cafés (read the story through link), showing that, though being coffees with the same origin, they can present very distinct sensory experiences, mainly when processing and right roast are combined.

Three different blends were presented with Vietnam Yen Bai OP, Laos Phongsali and Darjeeling Phurguri SP black teas.

Harmonizando cafés e chás especiais

Harmonizando cafés e chás especiais

Besides, gin and tonic was served prepared with a super special edition by Companhia dos Fermentados, www.companhiadosfermentados.com.br, of kombucha with green tea, coffee and lemon cold infusions.

Gim Tônica

The event took place at Turkish restaurant Firini Salonu, located in Sumarezinho, São Paulo.

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