With a R$ 78 million revenue in 2020, Cheirin Bão expects to grow 25% this year, targeting a less hipsterized audience
Cheirin Bão has emerged from the partnership between Wilton Bezerra and Eduardo Schroeder who were inspired by the culture from the southern region of Minas, a major producer of specialty coffees. Faithful to the culture of Minas Gerais, they placed side by side their coffees, cheese puffs, guava paste, milk cream, jellies, jams and much more. “We wanted to take a little bit of the Minas Gerais universe, especially its cuisine, which is much appreciated, to other places in the country,” says the company’s CEO, Wilton Bezerra.

In the beginning, they emphasized the specialty coffee brewed at the customer’s table, with the appropriate explanations about the product, however, without hipsterizing or gourmetizing it, as Wilton states. “From the beginning, we were looking for the best specialty coffees to present to an audience that had never heard of it. And it worked very well”, he explains. Proof of this is that last year, in the middle of the pandemic, 60 new franchises were opened, sold between August and December. As a matter of fact, 40 new stores were inaugurated by them, along with three new microbatches and 25 new products marketed, a millionaire partnership closed with popular singer Michel Teló and a new business model inaugurated and named Cheirin Bão to go.

They work with specialty coffees, classified by them as Bão, o Mió que tá tenu and microbatches from the south of the Minas region. They also have their own production in their farms located in Santa Helena, in Carmo de Minas, and that at the Cerrado.

Cheirin Bão – www.cheirinbao.com.br