Highlighted is the participation of French Mathieu Theis, finalist of the World Barista in 2019 and 2018 and three-times Swiss champion of baristas (2016, 2018 and 2019).
The event was designed by Brazilian publicist Marcel Macedo and barista Eduardo Orige, Head barista of Room for a Pony, from Tasmania, Australia. Eduardo has been a barista for six years, was third in the Tasmanian Aero Press of 2019 and is the creator of the coffee-to-go project.

Eduardo Orige – Credit: The Barista Week
In all, there will be about 20 baristas who will be offering their expertise to the general audience. “We idealized this event with a different footprint; we are going to serve different audiences: the layman, the professional in the area and the entrepreneur. We prepared lectures so that the coffee lover (but not necessarily a profound connoisseur), can learn a little more about this universe, teaching them how to choose and prepare their coffees. It is also targeted for the professionals who wish to exchange experiences with colleagues who are distant and separated by the pandemic and for those who long to endeavor in the field. Everything is very diverse and rich,” explains Marcel.
The highlight of the program is undoubtedly French Mathieu Theis, a finalist in 2018 and 2019 of the world baristas championship and three times champion in his country. Mathieu is also the owner of the Mame Coffee Shop, along with his wife, the World Brewers champion (filtered and manual coffee) Cup 2018, Emi Fukahori. Emi was the first barista in an international championship final to compete with a Brazilian micro lot, the Frevo, of the Laurina species, produced at the Daterra farm, located in the municipality of Patrocínio, in the Cerrado Mineiro.

Mathieu Theis – Credit: The Barista Week
Eduardo Orige: Eduardo is Brazilian and has lived in Australia for six years. He is currently chief barista at Room for a Pony, Tasmania. Last year, he took third place in the Aeropress championship in Tasmania. He is also the creator of the coffee to go project.
Daniel Busch – Daniel is a two-time Brazilian latte art champion anda cafe owner. His lecture will focus on entrepreneurship, and will be entitled “How to open your business in the coffee business.”
Barista Julia Henriques, a finalist in the 2020 barista championship, will teach the coffee-loving public “Everything you need to know to choose a good coffee and make it at home”. Frederico Kuerche will talk about preparation methods: Italian coffee maker, French press or Pour over? Other professionals will be attending, such as Amanda Albuquerque, Abgail Paz, Henrique Pin, Amandha Locatelli, Daniel Munari, Milena Gilbert, Phelippe Nascimento, Felipe Bruzzi, Phillippe Nobre, João André, Guilherme Branco, George Gepp, João Leonetti, Andrew Pernicano, Djuly and Sergio Landau, among others.

Julia Henriques – Credit: The Barista Week

Amanda Albuquerque – Credit: The Barista Week
The complete schedule, as well as the dates and times of the presentations, are available at www.semanadobarista.com.br.