Um Coffee Co is releasing nano lots of specialty coffees

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The goal is to release one per month, and the first one is Gesha, from Colombia

Um Coffee Co, a coffee chain in São Paulo, elected the best in the city by Veja São Paulo, is releasing from April, a nano lot per month of high quality specialty coffees from different origins. The idea is to bring customers exceptional quality coffees, which are also distinguished by the history of cultivation, terroir or differentiated management.

differentiated management.

differentiated management.

The first nano lot is Gesha, from Colombia, by the Tio Conejo Farm, which underwent honey processing (that is, the mucilage and pulp are left in the grain). The Um Coffee Co team hired the coffee, buying only 4 kg of green beans, which was roasted at Ikawa. In the end, the result was a coffee with notes of red fruits, hibiscus and grapefruit.

nano lots of specialty coffees

Process Honey

The packaging also received special attention. Created by artist Ricardo Nucci, it was formed by a card with a beautiful illustration and all the technical information on nano lots in the back. Indeed, the outcome was so impressive that one might want to collect it!

Package Nanolote

nano lots of specialty coffees

nano lots of specialty coffees

The nano lots come in packs of 120 grams and Gesha costs R$ 120,00. The next one to be released will be the 785, from Espírito Santo and Dallima, Minas Gerais, by producer Cleverson Daniel (read about his website in Cristina here), with more affordable prices.

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