Casa Lasevicius launches a Bean to Bar chocolate line
Bean to Bar chocolate wizard Bruno Lasevicius, from Casa Lasevicius (read the article here), is launching a line for coffee and tea lovers! They are the Caffè Late, Capuccino, Machiato and Capretto bars with Goat Milk and coffee! For those who prefer teas, Bruno created an Amazonian Tchai bar.

Credits: Casa Lasevicius
Caffè Late, Capuccino, Machiato and Capretto are made with cocoa between 35 and 40% and 100% Arabica coffee, of the Mundo Novo variety, by producer Valmor Santos Filho, roasted by Campo Místico. In addition to coffee, chocolate still has milk in the recipe and nothing else, as a good bar should be. They have soft notes of chocolate, coffee and caramelized milk.

Credits: Casa Lasevicius
Claúdia Lasevicius, sister and partner of the company, was the creator of the goat milk bar and coffee. Capretto, in Italian, means goat and the unusual combination of these two ingredients that are rarely harmonized gave rise to a bar that will surely delight chocolate and coffee lovers.

Credits: Casa Lasevicius
The Amazonian Tchai is made with spices from the region and its recipe was adapted from the Indian Masala Tchai, known for its predominant scent of cinnamon and cardamom, and for being stimulating. Each family has its own recipe and they even say that there are more than 3,000 variations, according to the spices used.

Credits: Casa Lasevicius
“We use some spices from the Amazon and the result of this bar is surprising on the palate”, says Bruno. This bar takes a white base of milk with eight ingredients, seeds and bark from the forest.

Credits: Casa Lasevicius
To complete the line, the chocolate-maker has also created Baniwa, the name given to a pepper originating in the Amazon, which also gives its name to a complex of 22 different indigenous peoples, speaking Arawak, who live on the border between Brazil and Colombia and Venezuela. In addition to Baniwa, the recipe also includes cocoa, honey and sugar. It is a drink that can be melted in a cup of milk or water. “The result is a drink that is very close to what the ancient Aztecs used to do with cocoa”, he concludes.