The consumption of teas in Brazil will not stop growing. In 2020, the consumption of teas per capita in Brazil was 19 cups per year.
We occupied the 88th. place, in a global market of 356.2 billion liters. China is the most important market, with US$12.2 billion, followed by Japan, with US$2.8 billion and the US, with US$2.7 billion.
And, according to Euromonitor International, the tea market is larger globally in terms of volume than that of the coffee, bottled water and soft drinks industries. Do you love tea? Check here where to buy the best ones online, from camelia sinensis. Everything else is herbal tea.
1 – Shimada Farm – specializing in black and green white teas. The Shimada Farm smoked black tea is harvested and processed on the family’s property, located in Registro, in the countryside of São Paulo. It is one of the few in Brazil that produce specialty teas. Read the story here.

2 – Talchá – at Talchá you will find black, oolong, white, green tea, rooibos, mate, infusions and many accessories for tea lovers. It has several physical stores in the main shopping malls in the city of São Paulo, where you can buy tea in bulk and many accessories. I particularly love roiboos, from South Africa. Read the story here.

3 – TeaShop – as a chain of Spanish stores, at Teashop you can buy white, green, red, oolong and black teas, as well as the premium type in bulk, such as Pu Erh Imperial, formed by a high percentage of buds and tender leaves or the Silver Needles white tea, composed of tender buds without opening and covered by a delicate white veil, with a low theine content. The most expensive on the site, but worth every penny. Read the story here.

4 – Camelia Tea – I had the pleasure of visiting the tea site, located half an hour by car from the city of Porto, in Portugal. The owners, Nina Gruntkowski and Dirk Niepoort, from the Niepoort winery, one of the most prominent wine producers in Portugal. Try PiPa tea, a Japanese oolong, aged in wooden boxes that hold Port wines produced by Niepoort. Read the story here.

5 – Chadô – the nice thing about this e-commerce is that, in addition to the various types of teas such as oolong, black and green, it is possible to buy courses such as “essential tea guide”, “handmade kombucha” and “tea lover”. Visiting it is worth it!
6 – Yê Tea – are specialized in specialty Chinese teas and promote trips to chasai in different regions of China. They created a tea club, with prices starting at R$37.90. Try Jasmine Bai Hao, the October tea. Its infusion is translucent, with an interesting pink color and abundant fluff in suspension, with a floral and slightly sweet perfume. (Read more here)

7 – Moncloa – Moncloa works with pure teas and blends. Try what they dubbed pure classics, where dark green, black and white stand out, identified by the colors of the cans. They also work with blends and, more recently, with specialty coffees.
8 – Yamamotoyama – Founded in 1690, in Japan, it has been producing green tea in the municipality of Itapiraí, in the countryside of São Paulo, since the 70s. More than 80% of its production goes to the demanding North American market.
9 – Amaya Teas – the Amaya farm is located near the Ribeira valley, near Registro, in the countryside of São Paulo, and has been producing specialty organic teas for over 80 years. In 2019, they launched the first national oolong, with 50% oxidation and cocoa and caramel notes.
10 – Infusorina – specialized in teas grown in Brazil, mainly in the city of Registro and surroundings. In addition to the marketing of teas, it annually promotes the “Rota do Chá” experience, visits to the teahouses and factories of the largest producers in Brazil, an immersion in the subject, with teaching material and support from the Embahú Tea School (read the story here).